In response to the high levels of stress ALL school employees face each day, Dr. Bashant has created a Wellness Series for Educators that includes 4 pre-recorded webinars that will be available to school districts for the entire school year.

Each of the topics is designed to provide participants with the knowledge, resources, strategies and inspiration that they need this year in order to prevent burnout, reduce anxiety and depression, and face adversity with resilience. 

Learning can only happen when students feel safe and regulated. When a student doesn’t yet have the ability to regulate, it falls on the adult to remain regulated and guide that student back to a calmer state (co-regulation). This is not easy to do, and the proactive work become first about the educators’ needs. With this webinar series, we aim to equip educators with tools, strategies, and habits that will allow them to care for themselves and restore balance and wellness in their lives.

This series is intended for all staff members, including support staff, teachers, administrators, any school employee.


Garnering Support and Replenishing Hope

The challenges educators are facing in their classrooms are similar to challenges that have always existed in schools. Since the pandemic, it seems as though the challenges are more intense, many students are lagging behind in social emotional skills, and educators are stretched even more thin. Through everything, it is crucial for educators to support each other and to have hope that things can and will improve.

During this webinar, participants will:

  • Learn ways to garner support from others, as well as how to be supportive to colleagues who may be struggling

  • Discover how your mindset strongly influences mood, and how mindset shifts can be made

  • Discuss strategies for replenishing hope within yourself and your students

Four Power Habits for Proactive Self-Care

We all know that self-care is important, and most of us are occasionally thrust into caring for ourselves in response to a sense of overwhelm, physical illness or an emotional breakdown. However, this webinar will introduce four habits that can be used proactively, before the negative effects of stress set in.

These impactful practices will serve as protective factors for the mind, body and spirit. Educators will leave with an individualized self-care plan that can be implemented immediately.

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Mastering Your Mindset

There are no limits for those who have mastered the mind. No matter what challenges lie ahead, a positive mindset and the well-developed practices of mindfulness and gratitude lead to opportunities for personal growth and development.

This webinar will introduce specific practices to help you master your mindset, including:

  • Being conscious of and shaping your inner voice

  • Seeking out the best in others

  • Focusing on the joyful moments each day

  • Practicing gratitude

  • Being mindful of how thoughts influence mood

  • Using visualization to create reality

** Dr. Bashant’s Positive Mindset Journal serves as a tool to practice and use these strategies. The journal is available for sale. Click here to to purchase.

The Art of Self-Compassion and Letting Go

Have you ever felt compassion for someone who was struggling?....a friend going through a divorce, someone who has a chronic illness, a child who doesn’t have enough to eat.

Most people find that it is fairly easy to have compassion and a caring heart for others, but that it is much more difficult to show yourself the same compassion. During these challenging times, showing yourself grace and acknowledging that you are human and will make mistakes, is a powerful way to reduce your stress and improve your quality of life.

During this webinar, you will learn three ways to practice self-compassion, which will, in turn, allow you to build a more compassionate classroom and school.


For more information, or to offer the Wellness Series for Educators series in your district, contact us.

The cost is $1500 per district and all district employees may participate, including administrative support, bus drivers, cafeteria staff, maintenance staff and teaching assistants. If your district would like to participate, please contact us today.